Thursday, November 10, 2022

Otters Playing with Bubbles

It's always delightful to see pets playing with soap bubbles, because they are pretty and ephemeral and totally different from anything they would encounter in nature. YouTube otters Hana and Kotaro have seen bubbles before, but never shot from a gun like this in such volume! What's really neat is that these are bubbles formulated to be safe to ingest, and they smell like peanut butter! I'd never heard of such a thing, but they are available online. I know what my cats are getting for Christmas. (via Laughing Squid


xoxoxoBruce said...

From the comments at pet qwerks it's best used outside although it sounded like their goop is a lot stickier.
Side note... the person handling the otters must be Asian by his toes at 1:10.

Miss Cellania said...

I would assume tat Kotsumet is Japanese, since these videos are from Japan. But what about the toes tells you that? A have a Chinese daughter and an Indian daughter, and their toes look pretty much like mine.

xoxoxoBruce said...

The wide space between the big toe and the other four is caused by footwear with a large cord between the toes, especially when they're young.

Miss Cellania said...

Yikes! I would hate that. Comfortable footwear FTW!