Monday, November 07, 2022

Could One Vaccine Protect Against All Flu Strains?

We've all learned more than we thought possible about viruses, immunity, and vaccines over the last two years, thanks to COVID-19. Even if you are are up-to-date with the latest COVID vaccine, you still need to get a flu shot, because influenza mutates like any widespread virus, and different strains come around every year. Some years the flu shot is more effective than others, because they are designed to battle whichever strain our health experts predict will be big that year, and they aren't always right. But what if we were to develop a flu shot that fights any possible strain of influenza? Immunologists are working on different ways to tackle flu viruses no matter how they have mutated. And now any time I hear the word hemagglutinin, I will think of Napoleon Bonaparte. (via Geeks Are Sexy)


Fritz Strand said...

While they are at it, how about working on the bacteria that cause dental problems?

Anonymous said...

They (well, others…) ARE working on that. I remember reading (as a child decades ago) that a vaccine against dental cavities was on the way and would be available by now. Unfortunately, the work still isn't done and the vaccine still isn't ready.

Miss Cellania said...

To be fair, we already have other ways to battle bacteria: cleaning, antibiotics, etc. Viruses are a whole different story.

gwdMaine said...

In answer to the question - no. At least not in our lifetimes. As for the cavities thing, I've heard putting fluoride in drinking water does a really good job at preventing them, but apparently it's either too dangerous or some sort of government mind control thing.