Sunday, March 13, 2022

This Painting Held A Chilling Secret

A video that starts out talking about set dressing on TV sitcoms turns out to be a deep dive into the work of French painter Jean-François Millet. Millet didn't have much success in his career, and quite a few setbacks and tragedies. His works were never appreciated in his lifetime, but bring millions today. That was because Millet painted everyday people, mostly farmers, who were considered a lower class. But even as Millet's story is quite interesting, that's not really what this video is about, either. The painting that adorned the wall of Sheriff Andy Taylor's home is not what we see on the canvas, but has a secret detail gives the painting a whole new meaning. (via Kottke)

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting! Looks like Millet censored himself from depicting the harsh truth.