Saturday, March 12, 2022

Setting the Clocks

(via Fark)


WilliamRocket said...

Bleary eyed but not so much that I couldn't make a cappuccino, I sat down in front of the screen and saw that daylight savings is starting soon and I thought 'good'.
Then I realised that I live in a land far, far away from where this site originates and that, in fact, daylight savings ends soon, the first Sunday of next month, literally 3 weeks from today, and then I felt sad.
It doesn't snow where I live, but it does chill down, the water bowls left out for the rabbits freeze over the top 20mms or so, but luckily for me I have been able to replace the wood burner that fell to pieces with a second hand one (which I had to deconstruct partially to take the protective and UGLY brown enamelled side panels off) and I have enough firewood for maybe the first month of the winter evils.
Please don't panic or get upset, I will find some more wood, and daylight savings starts again in September.
Ah, if only we had a sane government here in New Zealand we would be living in a paradise, lol.

Bicycle Bill said...

We had a sane government in the US for the past four years – and if you don't believe that, just ask the stable genius who keep assuring us how smart and intelligent he was, and why there was no one else, anywhere, at any point in time, who was better suited for the job than he was, and why the sycophants and other toadies and lackeys that he put into positions of power were so well suited for said positions.  Meanwhile, there were riots, murders, looting, arson, even further polarization of an already divided populace, and an armed insurrection as part of a failed attempt by said stable genius to stage a coup d'etat – all while lying out of both sides of his mouth to try to create an illusion of plausible deniability.

That ain't my idea of paradise.


WilliamRocket said...

Just saw (on a different site, sorry) that petrol - a liquid you lot call a gas, lol - is $4 right now, and I thought wow ! that's even more than here, where we are being charged $3.20 for 91 octane .... but then I remembered that you Americans ... here it comes ... STILL USE IMPERIAL MEASUREMENTS !
So, when they say petrol/gas is $4, they mean per gallon, and not even a gallon like the rest of the world used to have before they all realised how easier metric is, but a US gallon, which is just over 3.78 litres, so, while we are paying $3.20 a litre, you are paying $1.05.
Understand what y'all moaning about gas prices sounds like to the rest of us now ?

Bicycle Bill said...

We call it 'gas', not as one of the three forms of matter (four if you wanna count plasma), but as a truncation of the word 'gasoline'.

BTW, when will you lot ever learn the difference between a chip, a biscuit, a crisp, and a cookie? (lol)


Miss Cellania said...

Gas matters in the US because we have to drive a long way to get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Must be fun in NZ to go into a bar and say, "I'll have 425ml of your best stout." Yeah, nah.