Sunday, March 20, 2022

Rotating Sandwiches Accompanied by Nintendo Music

The title of this video is perfectly descriptive, because this is, indeed, a video of rotating sandwiches accompanied by Nintendo music. Lots of it. And there's no listing of the songs, much less the sandwiches. I see what appears to be a single meatball on a slider bun, a sausage submarine, and dozens of constructions that I'd like to try. And some I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot-pole. The music for each is very fitting. A burger stacked with cheese and bacon gets a Western theme. A tiny square from a hors d'oeuvre tray gets a dainty ditty. The most epic themes go with sandwiches piled high with meat. And ridiculous sandwiches get goofy music. This video combines two of the most common pleasures in life. (via Geeks are Sexy)

1 comment:

BootsandBraids said...

Congrats on being Deb's post of the week. 13 minutes of sandwiches is pretty wild. The ramen noodle bun sandwich looked pretty interesting.