Friday, March 18, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

We were saddened to lose Jonco back in December. Now we know what happened to his earthly remains

Volodymyr Zelenskyy in LEGO and Molotov Cocktails. Sales raised $145,000 for medical help in Ukraine! 

Why Humans Lost Their Penis Bone. (via Damn Interesting)

Scientists Find Even a Small Nightlight Can Interfere with Sleep and Body Functions.

When a Bunny Gets the Binkies.

The daily geography puzzle Globle gives you a world globe to work with. A guess will tell you whether you are anywhere near by color, but not by direction or distance. Bonus: you can keep guessing until you get it right. (via Metafilter)

A Lovely Example of Charleston's Unique Architecture.

The Ukrainian sitcom Servant of the People is returning to Netflix.

32 Of The Absolute Dumbest Things People Really Said So Far In 2022.

A blast from the past (2013): 10 Modern Variations on Macaroni and Cheese.


Debra She Who Seeks said...


v said...

Tsar Alexandr II was assasinated March 13 by ‘the will of the people’

newton said...

A number of the 'Dumbest Things People Really Said' look like mistakes made by text-to-speech software.

I've had a few funny text-to-speech disasters myself.

I use text-to-speech for most of my text messages because although I can touch type on a keyboard pretty fast, my finger typing on a cell phone's touch screen is very slow. I've seen teenagers do it so fast their fingers are a blur.

newton said...

('text-to-speech' should be speech-to-text!)

WilliamRocket said...

"Currently my orb is sitting beneath my TV, so Dad gets to watch Netflix with us".
Thats one way to get around Netflix's new anti-sharing rules.

gwdMaine said...

-sigh- You know, I stated this week with
a big box of patience. The box is empty now.

Happy Friday Miss C.

xoxoxoBruce said...

Globle are lying bastards. I'm sitting here with a current world map and they tell me my entries are not valid.