Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

Japanese Rock Splits, Releases Demon. (via Metafilter)

Another Walking Dead Spinoff Gives Us Spoilers for the Current Show.

Despite War, Kyiv Zoo Welcomes New Babies. Video here.

50 Times People Missed The Joke So Bad, They Made Fools Out Of Themselves Online. 

Nosferatu and the Unholy War to Bury a Classic 100 Years Ago. (via Digg)

The Movie That May Have Inspired the Zodiac Killer.

The Fight To Save Chile’s Glorious White Strawberry.

France's One-Legged American World War II Superspy.

What to say to kids when the news is scary. (via Kottke)

A blast from the past (2013): Rosalind Franklin and the Search for DNA.


gwdMaine said...

I'm pretty much over TWD and can't
wait for it to end. Judging from the
reviews, safe to say I'm in a
distinct minority. Have you realized
that every. single. community. our
intrepid heroes have been a part of,
involved with, has been destroyed?
All of them. That's the story-line.
Eleven years of post-apocalyptic
dystopia with no good in sight. Time
to move on.

I've hopes for the Carol/Daryl spinoff.
Their relationship/chemistry has
always been good and now we get a
reset. The Negan/Maggie chemistry is
off the charts and their story-line
is the best thing going this season.
This spinoff goes to the top of my list.

Lois Tverberg said...

I saw white strawberries in my grocery store in Michigan a month ago. I didn't buy them to try them, unfortunately.

xoxoxoBruce said...

Npr is wrong, the current news is an opportunity to whip your kids into line. Threaten signing them up for military service and be shipped off to war if they don't bring their GPA up, brush their teeth, and clean their room.