Sunday, March 20, 2022

Dance Little Guy, Dance!

The title of this video is "When you want to dance but only have 2 points of articulation." The taller dancer has joints that were made for dancing. The little guy, not so much. The great thing about this stop-motion animation is how the larger figure isn't making fun of the Playmobil guy, but instead is encouraging him to dance in the way that he can. Adorable. (via reddit)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, so cute! Incidentally, Miss C, you are my "Post of the Week" today!

xoxoxoBruce said...

I feel for the limited guy, been there done that.

Miss Cellania said...

Thank you, Debra!

Mathman54 said...

The little guy dances better than I do. I have no moves at all.