Tuesday, December 08, 2020

An Ad From an Alternate Universe

As you watch this ad from the Philippines, try to guess what you're being sold. It will become clear eventually, but by then you'll be way more concerned with the bizarre story that unfolds. What is not clear is who thought this would sell the product. That would be the ad agency Gigil.

“The film is actually about belonging and acceptance—but we just showed it in a different way.”

See, it's not really about the product, it's about virality. And the ad went plenty viral, which cements brand consciousness. The upside is that all of us can watch something truly bizarre, whether we buy the product or not. (via Everlasting Blort)



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Weirdest goddamn shit I've ever seen!

WilliamRocket said...

We used to be able to buy RC Cola in New Zealand.
Don't know what happened, haven't seen it for yonks.

Bicycle Bill said...

English subtitles might have been helpful.  All I got out of it was a very angsty teenager whining about something or another.


Miss Cellania said...

Oh dear, Bill, I am sorry. I thought I had posted the one with English subtitles, which I will substitute now. That's what comes from posting at 3-4 blogs at once.

Bruce said...

That was just.....bizarre.