Friday, March 01, 2024

Defeating the Purpose

(via reddit)


Bicycle Bill said...

This is too true to be funny.  If I had a dime for every time someone inside a vehicle, surrounded by a ton or so of metal complete with entertainment system, air conditioning, power anything you could think of, a suspension/shock absorber system, and (most importantly) steel-belted radial tires impervious to damn near anything tried to tell me to "use the bike lane" – which was maybe a three-foot strip of potholed, glass-flecked and debris-strewn pavement along the curb, maybe marked off with a faded strip of paint which was more often than not occupied by a row of parked cars – I'd be a very, very wealthy man today.


Bicycle Rider said...

Everything BB said, plus the bike lane is likely to abruptly end for no discernible reason. I seldom use them.