Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Camp Gyno

This ad for a tampon delivery service features a 12-year-old who was the first at her summer camp to get her first period. The whole thing is quite funny and will no doubt benefit the company, but the most realistic parts are 1. summer camp that lasts more than five days, and 2. young girls who have regular cycles. Oh, and if you're squeamish, be warned that this contains girl talk. (via Daily of the Day)


Bicycle Bill said...

The squick factor is strong with this one.

Wonder how long before some company calls themselves something like "Be Prepared" and does deliveries of condoms to pubescent boys to avoid messes on the sheets from nocturnal emissions?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

"This is your life now." Ain't that the truth. Until blessed menopause!

Personally, I thought the demo with the dolls and the ketchup squeeze bottles was funny AF and surprisingly accurate.