Monday, May 23, 2011

Links for Fun

You go to a college baseball game and the rain starts. While waiting, the players entertain the crowds with a series of silly skits that are more entertaining than the game.

MacRecipes is a database of all the hacks in all the episodes of the TV series MacGyver. Click on a dot and it will display the episode, the plot, and how MacGyver managed to do something miraculous with whatever he had at hand. (via Gorilla Mask)

Underwater explosion. Does what it says on the tin.

Ten Rules for Dating My Daughter.

Denmark has a way to make drivers slow down. At least male drivers. NSFW.

7 Basic Tips for Horny Politicians.

John and Sandra have an everyday love story, but it’s the kind of love story that we all want. And it makes a great little movie.

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