Maurice Sendak talks about Where the Wild Things Are. Plus a look at the new film version, with which he is pleased.
5-year-old Wesley performs Folsom Prison Blues at the 2009 Spring Coffee Shop Jam in Seattle. (via Videogum)
13 Most Unfortunate Personal Names, plus more contributed by readers. Some people take naming their baby less seriously than most of us.
Le Wrath di Khan: Robot Chicken presents Star Trek II as opera. Spock has never been so emotional, or unintelligible.
It Almost Makes Sense Now. William Shatner performs Sarah Palin's farewell speech as poetry.
Jake Bronstein set the world record for longest whisper chain, passing a message through 59 people. The successful message was a marriage proposal to his girlfriend!
A 1954 version of Ghost Busters, starring Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Bob Hope, and Fred MacMurray. A masterful mashup of 17 movies and TV shows.