Friday, September 06, 2024

Arrested in Denmark

Greta Thunberg was arrested Wednesday at a protest in Copenhagen. That's not really news, but this picture is... arresting. Did they send the hottest cops out because they knew there would be photographers at the event, or do all Danish cops look like this? Remind me to do some crimes next time I am in Denmark. (via reddit)


Spellucci said...

Long arm of the law? Strong jaw of the law? They put the ‘fine’ in Copenhagen’s Finest?

Bill said...

all tryin to hit on Gretta. I wonder if some big polluters put them up to it.

Anonymous said...

Alright... stop drooling.


WilliamRocket said...

They just look like blokes to me.

Unknown said...

I don't live in Denmark, but I do live in Spain. Let me tell you, the cops here are smoking hot and nary a gun in sight. Martita en Spain

Hanan said...

Yes, the cops here are "nice", and they let you be. Not ADCAB (All Danish cops are bastards).