Monday, September 09, 2024

This is How Holiday Creep Works

It happens every year, when people are shocked that Halloween stuff is in stores already! You should know by now that the way retail is done is that a certain amount of space is dedicated to back to school supplies, and people come in and buy them right before school starts. Then you have empty shelves, which are useless in retail. So they are filled with things for the next buying season. As those Halloween items sell, they will be condensed and the extra space will be filled with Christmas stuff, and people will be shocked at how early they are out. If you are just noticing this, it's because schools start earlier now than when you were a kid, so school supplies are bought in August. People are also regularly buying more seasonal decorations than ever, so more space is allotted for them. The same thing will happen when Valentine candy comes out the day after Christmas, and Easter candy comes out the day after Valentines Day. This comic is from Wes Hotchkiss at The Gentleman's Armchair, a webcomic that went defunct in 2020. (via Geeks Are Sexy)


Anonymous said...

UGH, I can't believe bloggers are already posting comics about how people are already complaining about how people are already putting Halloween stuff out.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised PEW says in 2023 1% of US K12 districts started in July week 4 & 4% Aug week 1 & 14% Aug week 2 & 23% Aug week 3 & 22% Aug week 4 & 16% Aug week 5 & 20% Sept. That explains the stretched Back-To-School season and stretched candy.

Anonymous said...

We're doing Halloween in November this year, since fall weather has moved so far back on the calendar.

Miss Cellania said...

I don't know where you are, but here in Kentucky, it was dreadful torrid in May and June, rained a little in July, then August and September are cold! THe whole year is topsy-turvy.