Monday, September 09, 2024

The Lazy Man's Guide To Time Travel

Science fiction is full of time travelers, because going to another era is a wonderful opportunity for adventure. Some stories try to make it plausible, which is difficult and technical and often boring for an audience. Why not just skip all those details and get where (or when) you are going so the adventure can commence? That requires shortcuts in the writing, and a suspension of disbelief among the audience. But when you are sitting in the audience, it does appear that these travelers are either too smart to bother explaining it to us, or too dumb to realize they've just lucked into time travel. They go over ten methods that make time travel easy in movies. We know time travel is impossible, so why quibble about the technical details? A phone booth is just as good as an accelerometer bending the space-time continuum when it's on the big screen. (via Laughing Squid)

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