Sunday, September 08, 2024


Te Land, Ter Zee En In De Lucht is a long-running Dutch TV show that translates to On land, at sea and in the air. It's a game show featuring wacky competitions. The competition you see above is called Tobbedansen. You can read the rules, if you know Dutch. From the video, we can deduce that the goals are to 1. design a wacky boat, 2. survive launch, and 3. to travel far enough to ring a bell. It takes a while for any team to get far enough to show us the bell-ringing. The sport is not easy, but you have to admit it's entertaining. This event for the TV show took place in May at the amusement park Efteling. A good time was had by all. (via TYWKIWDBI)


Anonymous said...

Obviously some had done it before when they designed their rig.

Liesbeth en Karl said...

The rulebook is mostly on safety (dimensions, buoyancy, clothing, padding, a big eyelet for hoisting up the vessel, no drugs or alcohol, removing damaged vessels), on the different prize categories (basically companies, youth movements and kayak, but there's also prizes for originality, under-16s and over-50s) and finally on the game itself (you have to slide off a ramp, float towards a bell and ring it with a limb as fast as possible, either from the vessel or by swimming over).

Miss Cellania said...

Thanks, Liesbeth!