Friday, September 06, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Believe It or Not, Microwave Placement is Important.

Nine Mythical Places Archaeologists Think May Have Actually Existed.

6 Songs That Rocked Hard Before They Got Covered and Became Famous. 

A Calvinesque and Hobbesian look at campaigning. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

The Real History of the Folk Song "Kumbaya."

Frightening kangaroo encounter prompts wildlife carers to share tips on dealing with angry roos. (via Metafilter)

Why Voltaire Drank Bull’s Blood. Bull’s blood isn’t poisonous; so why did people think it was for centuries?

Apple Rankings. The definitive list of good and bad apples. (via Fark

Japan Exterminates Killer Mongooses That Just Had One Job.


gwdMaine said...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But not if it tastes like coffee grinds in a leather glove. And it was not too long ago that Cosmic Crisps were unaffordable. Oh how the mighty (supposedly) have fallen.

Other rankings aside, if I need a green apple for baking, I'm going with a Granny Smith. And nothing bad about candy coating a McIntosh.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

Anonymous said...

High up microwaves make me nervous, I prefer spilling hot stuff at least below the chin.
But I don’t understand the people wailing about the TV too high. It depends largely on the seating. Highback couch, a recliner, or anything with head support it’s better high than low. Oh, and in the bedroom the higher the better... the TV gutter-mind.

Ruben Bolling is a national treasure.

“If you are under attack from a kangaroo, what should be your first move?”
Shoot it.

Apple rankings, like all “rankings”, in a collection of opinions.

Ah Mongooses. Just another example of a long list of human fuckups.
Oh, what we need here in Australia is rabbits. Just a couple dozen. It'll be fun they said.