Friday, February 10, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Valentine Poems Generated by Artificial Intelligence. With accompanying illustrations that may or may not have anything to do with the poem.

30 Real Estate Listings On Zillow That Were So Bad, They Went Viral On These Instagram Pages. Not gonna lie, there are some homes mocked here that I really like, but I will not admit which ones they are.

Bob's Burgers as a Live-Action '80s Sitcom.

Joey the 2-Legged Pup Went From Unadopted to Starring in the 2023 Puppy Bowl.

The Complete Master List of Palindrome Baby Names. (via Metafilter

Decorated With 4,000 Skeletons, This Roman Church Will Have You Pondering Your Own Mortality.  

The 15 best Valentine’s Day TV episodes of all time.

About darn time: Blizzo wins big in MnDOT's 'Name a Snowplow' contest. (via Fark)

Fossil bones from the largest penguin that ever lived unearthed in New Zealand. That's one big bird!  (via Damn Interesting)


gwdMaine said...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sunflowers are yellow

I bet you were expecting something romantic but no, these are just gardening facts.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

Bicycle Bill said...

What happens in about three years when Lizzo has become irrelevant, and the snowplow's name doesn't mean diddly-squat anymore?


Anonymous said...

Then we can rename the plow "Bicycle Bill".

Anonymous said...

I was already unaware of any celebrity named "Lizzo" so I assumed the name was a play on "Blizzard" and "Bozo" and I expect that will be recognized for many years…

xoxoxoBruce said...

Houses 8, 10, 19, 22.

Did the church bones come from the kitchen?

Blizzo was submitted a voted on way before the Emmys. When she fades it becomes simply reference to the snowplow.

The huge Penguins they dug up in New Zealand, are they sure they weren't Hobbits?