Friday, July 02, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

Why Some Submarines Return to Port Flying Pirate Flags. (via Fark)

How did the superstition that broken mirrors cause bad luck start and why does it still exist? (via Damn Interesting)

Watch this guy dance. There's no reason to think he's drunk.

The Long History of ‘Bombay Time’ and Resistance to Colonial Rule.

More New Art Borders Revealed. (via Kottke)

Watch This Italian Guy Die Inside After His Girlfriend Commits A Cardinal Sin In Cooking Pasta

The Bank Robbers Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight. (via Damn Interesting)

Prisoners’ Inventions. Where there's a will, there's  a way. (via Neatorama)

A New History Changes the Balance of Power Between Ethiopia and Medieval Europe

A blast from the past (2006): Sam I Am: How a N.Y. Butcher Became America's Most Famous Face.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Fascinating story about Bombay Time. Also love the new "restored" borders for other paintings. And I snap spaghetti in half all the time -- guess i better never date an Italian!

gwdMaine said...

Shave me belly with a rusty razor! Forgot t'
plug me bunghole last night and now it's
leaked all over me poopdeck. Blow me down,
tis a bad way t' start a day. But a day it
be and a Friday at that.

To fine wench like Miss C, I say 'ave a good day!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine! And Happy Independence Day!

WilliamRocket said...

So, why doesn't pasta, or spaghetti I should say, come in big rolls ? You buy it in packets, its about 180mm long, so thats all you are going to get, if you're going to go all Lady and the Tramp.

They should make special packets, from hard cardboard, 1.5 metres long, holding 10 sticks of spaghetti.
Put it in the pot vertically.

From now on I will break my spaghetti into 30mm lengths, no more bits getting burnt where it hangs over the edge of the pot and into the flame, and when it is cooked I will eat it with a spoon.

The real way.

The true way.

gwdMaine said...

And a happy Independence Day to you too Miss C! It's going to be cold and wet up here, but we'll deal with it.

Now, am I to understand that spaghetti should come in 6 foot lengths? Am I missing something here? My Sicilian stepfather is rolling over in his grave. That dude in the video just stroked out.

New Zealand doongi.