Monday, July 20, 2020



WilliamRocket said...

For us people who live in the 194 countries out of 197 in the world that have adopted the metric system over the last number of decades and centuries, seeing a sign saying 89 cents for a £ is a bit weird.
Also feet, your archaic measurement of a foot is based on the size of an English king's foot, ... y'all had a revolution to get rid of the British but still you keep these little fond memories, these little ties that tell the world not only that you are mired in a past world, but also you are mired in a past world.

And Georgia is just north of Turkey if you want a hint of how USAcentric y'all are.

Not that we'all don't enjoy your site.
And a LOL to make it a bit nicer.

gwdMaine said...

The smallest Roman measurement, like the smallest
Greek, was a finger's-breadth (digitus). As in
Greece and elsewhere, 4 of these finger's-breadths
formed a palm, and 4 palms made a foot, so there
were 16 digiti to a foot.

-Mathematics and Measurement
by Oswald Ashton Wentworth Dilke

70 years into the Empire, Rome kicked the crap out
of Engla Land and decided Britain was a better name.

And why would someone in the U.S. pay fifty pee
for a half a kilo of the Peach State's peaches?
WTF does that even mean?

Think about that the next time you're having a
half-liter of beer. Oh. Wait. . . .