Monday, July 20, 2020

Miss Cellania's Links

Federal officers are using unmarked cars to arrest Portland protesters. Much more here.

The true story of the heartthrob prince of Qatar and his time at USC. (via Digg)

If birds had arms.

She was just a damn cat – and I loved her. (via Strange Company)

The Troubling Tale of Baby Peggy, Hollywood’s First Child Star. (via Digg)

The Trump Statue Initiative. A few have already been displayed. (via reddit)

Decameron Row is a quarantine art project that invited 100 artists from all over the world to contribute a one-minute art video of what they've been doing during lockdown.  (via Boing Boing)

Meet the United States’s Only Female Lighthouse Keeper.

Coronavirus and the crisis of capitalism. "On what basis can the government ever legitimately say: wait tables or you won't eat?"

New Technologies and Face Mask Innovations.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good links, especially the one about the cat, Baby Peggy and those Trump statues, LOL!

xoxoxoBruce said...

Decameron Row, building 73, top left hand window, the woman in white who comes in first ends the video sitting on a step of the left stairs in a very unladylike position. Her feet look like it's intentional.