Monday, June 11, 2018


This is the latest comic from Jeff Lovfers at Don't Hit Save. You'll find his sources linked at the comic.


Bruce said...

It's going to take years to straighten out the mess the administration is making. Maybe decades.

Anonymous said...

I know, we're still undoing the mess the Obama left

Bruce said...

Only republicans think Obama left a mess. Open your eyes and see what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Stock market is up, unemployment is down, first president to hold peace conference with North Korea. Actually earning a peace prize instead of a participation medal before in office. I know what is going on, take the tinfoil hat off.

Miss Cellania said...

Anonymous, there are reasons why no other president met with North Korea. Unemployment has been going down since Obama took office. The trouble now is that everyone has two jobs but still can't pay the bills. The stock market is doing great ...for rich people.