Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

The Dust Bowl Revolution. Farmers who migrated to California were fleeing truly horrible conditions.

Happy Pancake Day! Today is the last day to glutton out before Lent.

9 Royally Interesting Facts You Might Not Know About King Cake.

John Oliver clearly explains the current state of the health care debate, with plenty of NSFW language.

A Five-Year-Old Becomes Historical Figures for Black History Month. Little Lola has now completed a gallery of recreations of amazing black women.

Space Puppies: The Cold War's Cutest Diplomats. The puppy Pushinka was the daughter of a space pioneer and the family dog of a president.

Self-Righteous Devils: What Ozark Vigilantes of the 1880s Reveal About Modern America. The story of the Baldknobbers and other vigilante groups.

Papers, Please: Border Patrol Agents Stop Domestic Travelers at New York Airport. Better get a passport, even if you never leave the U.S.

Canadian photographer David Burdeny spent an entire year trying to get permission to photograph the gorgeous Moscow subway between midnight and 6AM, when the trains aren't running and the halls are empty. When it finally happened, he got some truly sublime images. (via Nag on the Lake

Why People Once Loved Linoleum. It was a lot better than what came before.

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