Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mardi Gras

I wonder if she's giving up beef for Lent.


Kamala Khan is a Pakistani-American teenager struggling with the pressures of growing up in an immigrant family, but in her spare time, she's Ms. Marvel, a crime-fighting superhero! Come for the story, stay for the over-the-top special effects in this fan film by Anita Kalathara and Landis Aponte. (via Rizal Farok)  

Miss Cellania's Links

The Dust Bowl Revolution. Farmers who migrated to California were fleeing truly horrible conditions.

Happy Pancake Day! Today is the last day to glutton out before Lent.

9 Royally Interesting Facts You Might Not Know About King Cake.

John Oliver clearly explains the current state of the health care debate, with plenty of NSFW language.

A Five-Year-Old Becomes Historical Figures for Black History Month. Little Lola has now completed a gallery of recreations of amazing black women.

Space Puppies: The Cold War's Cutest Diplomats. The puppy Pushinka was the daughter of a space pioneer and the family dog of a president.

Self-Righteous Devils: What Ozark Vigilantes of the 1880s Reveal About Modern America. The story of the Baldknobbers and other vigilante groups.

Papers, Please: Border Patrol Agents Stop Domestic Travelers at New York Airport. Better get a passport, even if you never leave the U.S.

Canadian photographer David Burdeny spent an entire year trying to get permission to photograph the gorgeous Moscow subway between midnight and 6AM, when the trains aren't running and the halls are empty. When it finally happened, he got some truly sublime images. (via Nag on the Lake

Why People Once Loved Linoleum. It was a lot better than what came before.


Happy Mardi Gras! Let's have some pancakes, with some music from James Proven. This video is just as good today as it was in 2006.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

The Mounties: They Always Get Their Man. How the RCMP came about.

Here Are All The Winners At The 2017 Oscars.

Listen, if you're going to have a fish on the table where the cat can reach it, the cat will reach for it. (via reddit)

Six Stories of Passports From Countries That No Longer Exist. Including one with a picture of a dog.

The Holocaust’s Great Escape. How the Burning Brigade tunneled out of Ponar extermination camp.

Salvador Dalí on how to eat sea urchins. With beans and nice light wine.

I Was a Muslim in Trump's White House

In 1914, Feminists Fought For the Right to Forget Childbirth. "Twilight sleep" turnout to be not so miraculous after all.    

What's the laziest thing you've ever done? It's not going to top this story.

19 Things You Might Not Know Were Invented in Canada. A surprising number of which we use every day.


The Legacy of Sadako

I have an ongoing project to make posts for mental_floss articles I wrote way back when that I do not have an archive for. Here's another one.

Sadako Sasaki was two years old when the atom bomb was dropped on her hometown of Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. Sadako's home was about a mile from the epicenter, and her family survived. When she was an eleven-year-old school athlete, she began to experience weakness, lumps on her neck, and spots on her legs. Sadako was diagnosed with leukemia, with a life expectancy of a year. She survived until 1955, but this article I wrote for mental_floss is about what happened after her death.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

8 Restaurant Treats Made with Girl Scout Cookies

People just can't get enough of Girl Scout cookies! Not only are they great by themselves, but the cookies are also used as ingredients in fancy desserts of all kinds. Talented chefs from restaurants all over take the opportunity to devise creative offerings made with Girl Scout cookies. See some of them in a list I posted at mental_floss.


(via Buzzfeed)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

10 Carnival Traditions From Around the World

In some Christian traditions, Lent is the 40-day period of fasting leading up to Easter. Carnival is the period of overindulgence before Lent, a sort of last chance to party. Traditions grew up around Carnival that are still celebrated today in different parts of the world, even where Lent is no longer observed. It's much easier to drop a deprivation than it is to drop a party. Read about how Carnival is celebrated around the world in a list I posted at mental_floss.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Flesh Tasty

Miss Cellania's Links

10 Shocking (Mis)Uses for Electricity.

Inside Uber’s Aggressive, Unrestrained Workplace Culture.

Artists, designers, coders, bloggers, speakers, actors, and other professionals are often offered jobs for no pay at all, as they think you'll want to do it "for the exposure." The Twitter feed For Exposure shares many examples of real-world expectations for work to be done for no pay at all. (via Nag on the Lake)

NASA’s longshot bet on a revolutionary rocket may be about to pay off. A physicist/astronaut is on his way to unveiling a plasma rocket.

Kenya's Tsavo West National Park has seen no rainfall at all since last June. Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua spends hours every day driving a truck to waterholes in the park to make sure elephants, zebras, buffalo, and antelopes have enough water to survive.

Is It Okay to Enjoy the Warm Winters of Climate Change? Just wait until summer and see how you like it.

Five Moments That Prove Batman is as Insane as the Joker. We can identify with heroes who have psychological problems.

It's time to retire the Oscars' Best Picture award. It's hard enough to define "picture," much less "best."

The History of Hollywood's It Girls (And Their Tragic Downfalls). They burned brightly and didn't last long.

Siberian Tigers Take Down Drone

These well-fed tigers live at the Harbin Siberian Tiger Park in Heilongjiang Province, China. A quadcopter was sent in to get some footage of the cats in the snow. But the cats chased the drone just like any prey, and actually caught it! They soon found out it didn't taste good, and it wasn't quite dead, either. the staff was able to recover the drone and the footage. (via Gizmodo)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

14 Facts You May Not Know About Johnny Carson. The longtime host of The Tonight Show had an amazing life.  

The Pineapple Pizza Scandal was Nearly an International Incident Between Canada and Iceland. It's a good thing the president of Iceland clarified his remarks. (via Metafilter)

Blame: Was the death of Jill Wells an accident or murder? A gripping true crime story.

15 Perfect Spots to Watch the Total Solar Eclipse as It Crosses the U.S. Next Summer. Make your reservations now.

Seven New Exoplanets Discovered, Three Possibly Habitable. Read more about the discovery at NASA, and at the website dedicated to TRAPPIST-1. (via The Daily Dot)

The Mall of America is looking for a writer-in-residence. It would be really hard to beat this applicant

Donald Trump’s Deportation Plans Will Cost The U.S. $5 Trillion Over The Next Decade. That's not counting the cost of the wall.

Christopher Hesse created a way for everyday internet users to experiment with artificial intelligence-created images. What could possibly go wrong? 

The Latest in Menstrual Products: Vaginal Glue.

What’s Killing America’s Black Infants?

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Overflowing Glory Hole

The spillway at Lake Berryessa in California's Napa Valley works like a sink or tub overflow drain. It just automatically drains when the water level in the reservoir behind the Monticello Dam gets to a certain height. The locals call the round, accessible spillway the Glory Hole. Last week, after torrential rains, the water level got high enough to reach the Glory Hole for the first time in ten years -and this time, we have drones to record it. Bonus: AC/DC.

The concrete funnel is 72 feet wide, and goes to work when the water reaches 440 feet above sea level. This week, it is draining at about two million gallons a minute. In case you are wondering, here's what the Glory Hole looks like when the water level is low. (via Digg)

Miss Cellania's Links

Libretto: The Last Second. An opera about adding a leap second to our year.

Why can 12-year-olds still get married in the United States? (via Kottke)

Zippo lighters of Vietnam soldiers. Some are NSFW. (via reddit)  

Competitive Eating in the 17th Century. Nicholas Wood made himself a reputation as The Great Eater of Kent.

What It’s Like to Be in the Running to Be an Astronaut. It's a months-long audition for a very few slots.

Has the Large Hadron Collider Disproved the Existence of Ghosts? Even if they did, people would believe in them.

How Stuttering Works. Some people overcome it, some learn to work around it, and some suffer greatly from it.

The Only Thing, Historically, That's Curbed Inequality is Catastrophe. While everyone suffers, the rich simply have more to lose.

12 Ridiculously Cool Playgrounds That’ll Make You Want To Be A Kid Again.

The science of why we experience false memories. Even false memories we share with others have to come from somewhere. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Useless Coupon

An Honest Trailer for the Oscars 2017

Oscar season is here, and Screen Junkies is taking the time to give us a mini-honest synopsis of each of the nine films nominated for Best Picture. There's a couple of historical dramas, a war movie, a coming-of-age story, a musical, some love stories, and even a science fiction film represented. They each gets theirs in this Honest Trailer. Sadly, Deadpool is not among them. They also take some jabs at the Oscars themselves. The Academy Awards ceremony is this Sunday night.

DIY Selfie Stick

(via reddit)

The Past Month in a Nutshell

By Tom Tomorrow. See more of his comics here.


The father's name is Copi, the son's name is Paste, so of course they are a lot alike. But as Copi sees him son become more and more like him, he learns to put a little color back into his own life, for his son's sake. This short film by Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez says a lot without saying a word. Watch for extra illustrations during the credits that continue the story. (via The Kid Should See This)

Miss Cellania's Links

The Volunteer Sky Watchers of the Cold War

Why Does This One Couch From West Elm Suck So Much?

Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber. It was nonstop sexual harassment, which is egregious but not surprising. (via Metafilter)

Tom the Dancing Bug presents The Donald Trump Mysteries. “The Leak Is Real, The News Is Fake.”

Abandoned Helicopters: 22 Derelict Choppers & Rotorcraft Graveyards.

The Future of Advertising Starts With Your Face. Ads will recognize you and customize messages to put you in the picture.

How a Chinese restaurant kitchen works. Structure and Procedure stand between a staff and chaos. (via Metafilter)

This Woman Has Created Brutally Honest Illustrations About Her Eating Disorder. Christie Begnell used illustrations as therapy while she stayed in a private clinic.

Street Art and Graffiti Cats. Colorful felines brighten public walls all over the world. (via madamjujujive)

Hollywood Peeps: 15 Oscar-Winning Films in Marshmallow. Pretty soon, people will start creating scenes of the 2017 winners.

That Raise

(via Fark)

10 Terrible Early Drafts of Villains

It takes a bit of tweaking to get a character right for a movie, especially if it's science fiction or a comic book adaptation. What looks good on paper often doesn't translate all that well to the screen. So it's common that early drafts are tested out and changed considerably before production. Sometimes those early ideas were just plain stupid. But thanks to archived art and screen tests, we can see what those early and awful ideas were like. Aren't you glad they tried again and again until they got it right …or at least better? (via the A.V. Club)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Uncle Jimmy

Cat Tries To Steal Food From Dog

This slow motion video shows you in excruciating detail what happens when you interfere with a dog getting a treat. Notice the looks of extreme anticipation on their faces. The cat is calculating some kind of subterfuge. Then a french fry is finally flung in their direction. Yeah, that's what they say about the best laid plans. At least the cat will be able to explain his injury as a "Lab accident." (via Boing Boing)

Street Pineapple

Who lives in a pineapple under the street? Urban Spongebob! And you thought it was the just the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who lived in the city drains. And Pennywise. The next step is to see how many puns can be made about the sponge that might be found under this colorful manhole cover. You'll find about a hundred attempts in the discussion at reddit.

How the BBC Makes Planet Earth Look Like a Hollywood Movie

If you've been watching the BBC TV series Planet Earth II, you've no doubt been amazed at the wildlife footage. It almost looks like a Hollywood action film -a blockbuster, even. A lot of that is due to new filmmaking technology. The BBC has been making nature documentaries for 60 years, and they have steadily gotten better as the cameras and equipment get better. This video from Vox gives the short history of that technology and how it can be used to film fascinating creatures that don't follow a script. This is "part 1 of 3," so we can look forward to more behind-the-scenes looks at how Planet Earth was made. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tweet of the Day

Stop, Cats!

Dog Intersects Waterslide

The dog got more air than the kid who rode it all the way down. Yes, the dog was fine afterward. (via reddit)

Miss Cellania's Links

In Loco Presidentis: Who's In Charge Here? The long road to covering presidential succession scenarios.

When Lincoln Was More a Politician Than an “Honest Abe.” He became a newspaper troll for a short time.

While the internet was having fun with Trump's press conference last Thursday, he overturned a law preventing companies dumping coal mining debris in streams and rivers. (via reddit)

19 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Working In Radio. Actually, I know them all, and don't miss it a bit.

Trump’s Russian Connections, A Handy Timeline.

6 Horrifying Realities Of Living In A Sitcom Universe. You could spend a lifetime watching TV sitcoms and not realize that the same weird things keep happening from show to show over time.

Japanese interpreters are having a hard time making sense of Donald Trump's words.  "…if we translated his words as they are, we would end up making ourselves sound stupid.”

Stop blaming brown recluse spiders for your horrifying flesh wounds. Their bites gets diagnosed even in places where they don't live.

The Difficult Journey of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The production staff learned from the mistakes of the first movie, and even used them to their advantage.

What Happens When Teens Run the Court. Some real offenders get to take a chance with their peers instead of facing juvenile court.


Singing Dog

This is a creepy video of a person playing with a dog and making it "sing." Watch it once, and then go back and watch it again with the automatic captions on. Then it becomes truly terrifying. (via reddit)

More Periodic Tableware

I have an ongoing project to make posts for mental_floss articles I wrote way back when that I do not have an archive for. Here's another one. 

My very first week here at mental_floss I wrote an article called Periodic Tableware, about how people have taken the periodic table of the elements and adapted the form in interesting ways. Since then, I've run across quite a few more examples. See them in this article from 2007.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Executive Order 9066

Today is the 75th anniversary of Executive Order 9066, issued on February 19, 1942, which allowed the U.S. government to inter Japanese-Americans, German-Americans and Italian-Americans in camps for the duration of the war. Around 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry were removed from their West Coast homes and taken to internment camps. The above government newsreel was made in 1943. The dialogue sugarcoats the entire experience, while the visuals tell a different story. I was struck at the 7-minute mark, where internees were taking an "Americanization" class, and the camera focuses on three women students who look as if they'd spend their entire lives being American.

At the National Archives' Unwritten Record Blog, you can read about the internment project and see an 18-minute 1944 color documentary.

At The New Yorker, you can see Bill Manbo's rare color photographs of his internment camp.

At NPR's Code Switch, you can see photographs of the internment from three different photographers which very different agendas: Dorothea Lange, who wanted to convey the unfairness of the order; Ansel Adams, who depicted the internees as patriotic and cooperative volunteers, and Toyo Miyatake, who was himself an internee.

(via Metafilter)

Bank Loan

(via reddit)

Kids Are Awesome

If you need a smile, take a look at what some kids are doing with their spare time. Desire, hard work, and persistence come together to give us some awesome performances, even in children that look too young to be doing these things. This compilation is brought to you by People Are Awesome to show us that kids are awesome, too! (via Tastefully Offensive)

Dirty Dishes

(via Buzzfeed)

Explaining the Joke

(via reddit)

The Smart Pen

It's called Ghlargh. (via reddit)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Horses and Dogs

Playin' with Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen played in Brisbane Thursday night. A teenager held up a sign that said he was missing school for the concert, and could he play "Growin' Up"? Springsteen called him up on stage to play. Fifteen-year-old Nathan Testa knew the song, and well. In the middle of the song, Springsteen gives him some advice about looking good on stage. 

What's really strange is that this isn't the first time Testa has played with the Boss. His family are all avid Springsteen fans, and attended a Brisbane concert in 2013, when Testa, then 11, was pulled on stage to play "Waitin' on a Sunny Day." (via Metafilter)


(via reddit)

Ridiculous Rat Removal

Jodie, Logan, Briana, and Meg share an apartment in Pittsburgh. A rat got into their apartment earlier this week, so they put their heads together to figure out how to evict it. They cornered the rat in the shower, then set up a complicated course to shoo it downstairs and out the door. What are the odds of this working? The four women and Logan's boyfriend Bo were all ready when Logan forced the rat out of the tub, and surprise! Their scheme worked like a charm, and even better, they got video evidence. Read more about the adventure at Buzzfeed.

National Park Service

(Thanks, Peter!)

Why is a Lazy Person Called a Couch Potato?

We all know what a couch potato is- a person who sits on the couch and watches TV, moving about as often as a potato. But where did the phrase come from? The story is a lot more complicated than you knew. The term was actually trademarked. Imagine that. Simon Whistler of Today I Found Out tells us the story. (via Laughing Squid)

Pole Dancing

(via Fark)

How The Toilet Changed History

If you've ever had to do without a toilet, whether long-term or temporarily, you can appreciate what a difference flush toilets make. Even outhouses are a big step up from what came before. The YouTube channel It's Okay To Be Smart leads us through the history of the toilet. Our poop customs go way back. I was surprised about ten years ago when I read the instructions for dealing with "that which comes from your body" in the Bible. After watching this video, you'll know more about the history of toilets than you ever thought you would. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort)

Friday, February 17, 2017


Alternative Facts Songified

We've heard more than our share of alternative facts lately. A little autotune added to the dismal news of the week doesn't make the news any better, but it does give it a beat. (via Tastefully Offensive)

PM Steal Yo Girl

(via reddit)

Robert Irwin on The Tonight Show

On The Tonight Show, Robert Irwin presents Jimmy Fallon with a variety of creatures to gush about. Have you ever heard an armadillo scream? You're about to.

Robert Irwin is the 13-year-old son of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. He is the spitting image of his dad, in his looks, his enthusiasm, and his knowledge of animals. (via reddit)

Chocolate Milk

Miss Cellania's Links

10 Presidential Marriage Proposals. Some future leaders had to work really hard to win her hand.  

Churchill essay on the possibility of alien life discovered in US college.  Scientific thinking has caught up to his 1939 conclusion. (Thanks, John Farrier!)

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: How La La Land Misleads on Race, Romance and Jazz. (via Metafilter)

The Messy History of the Pie Fight. The second best use for baked goods. (Thanks, Walter Mosley!)

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of FDR's Floating White House. The USS Potomac had plenty of adventures besides hosting a president.

The Man Who Played with Absolute Power. Philip Zimbardo shares what he learned from conducting the Stanford Prison Experiment.

17 pictures that will turn you off escalators forever. Or they might just make you more careful using them.

Library Hand, the Fastidiously Neat Penmanship Style Made for Card Catalogs. It's pretty, but wouldn't it have been easier to just learn to type?

Meet the hackers trying to solve the problem of death. If we can't maintain the body, maybe we can download the mind.

TV's callous neglect of working-class America. Their only portrayal these days is on reality TV.

Adoptable Pet!

This is one of a series of cat ads from Obvious Plant (Jeff Wysaski). See the rest of them here. The cats are all real, and available for adoption through the Santé D’Or Foundation in Los Angeles.(via Metafilter)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fat Eddy

The Matrix Starring Forrest Gump

How It Should Have Ended and Klomp! Animation have teamed up for a new series of animations called Hero Swap. In this video, they've taken the title character from the 1994 movie Forrest Gump and made him the protagonist in the 1999 movie The Matrix. They've managed to work in the memorable visuals of The Matrix and shoehorn in the most memorable catchphrases from Forrest Gump. That's pretty neat. (via Tastefully Offensive)


(via Buzzfeed)

Miss Cellania's Links

Cynthia: John Lennon's First Wife. She handled chaos with grace.

Stuff in Space is an interactive visualization of all the objects orbiting the earth. Aliens should be able to find us by all our satellites, rockets, and garbage.

Some animals kill each other after sex because their distinction between hungry and flirty is blurred. Single parenting is already common in those species.

19 Insanely Cute Kittens Who Just Don’t Know Any Better. Your daily supply of squee.

The Most Quoted B.S. Myth Inside The Right's Media Bubble. You don't have to be a U.S. citizen to have rights under the Constitution. 

The Underwater Photographs Of The Year Are Here, And They're Breathtaking. It's a live action version of Finding Nemo.

Films That Led To Other Films Being Cancelled. The victims were from a similar genre, a dying trend, or had their budgets slashed.

Medieval Europe Couldn't Quit This Story About a Woman Eating Her Lover's Heart. There are 14 to 24 versions, with varying lessons attached. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017



Abe or Andrew? (via reddit)

Tweet of the Day

Yeah, it's from 2014, but it means even more today. To answer the question, a crime is an impeachable offense, and there are plenty of those in play, but incompetence in itself is not crime. However, under the 25th Amendment, a president can be removed from office for incompetence. Neither that action nor impeachment will happen under the Republican congress. (via Uproxx)

We'll Start Tomorrow

There's a time and a place for everything. Today is not the day to give up candy. Anyone who isn't scanning the seasonal aisles for bargains the day after a Valentines Day are most likely working on a big box of chocolates they received yesterday. If you bring that idea of eating healthier up later, I'll think of some other reason to put it off. A good reason. This is the latest comic from Megacynics.

Miss Cellania's Links

Where The. What do you do with that word when you index things? 

Here's how some senators are handling their constituents these days. Here's how to find yours.

"No Stairway! Denied!" The Inside Story of Wayne's World's Most Unintentionally Complicated Gag. The way you saw it was not the way your parents saw it.

The Story of the South’s First Black Millionaire. Robert Church was known as the known as the “Boss of Beale Street.”

This ‘Prison Beauty School’ Is Giving Inmates Hope For The Future. Learning a trade is the biggest weapon against recidivism.

Chris Evans (Captain America) Has Been Fighting (former KKK Imperial Wizard) David Duke On Twitter.

Playboy is bringing nudes back after a year of expecting people to read it for the articles. But can it ever really join the 21st century?

Links about the current administration's ties with Russia. (via Metafilter)

Can You Be Friends With a Bear? Long-distance friends, maybe.

Don't look now, but American judges are attacking debtor's prison. There's no reason why the poorest people should pay for our justice system.

Moose Rescued from Frozen Lake

When you are judging whether the ice on a frozen lake is thick enough to walk on, you must take your own weight into account, which this moose clearly didn't. Norwegians Viktor Johannesen and Sigrid Sjösteen found the moose that had fallen through the ice. It wasn't that far from shore, but the animal was exhausted from struggling to get out of the hole. The couple chopped through the ice, giving the moose a narrow path back to the shore, so he wouldn't have to climb out of the hole. They occasionally stopped work to take a little video footage. The video is entirely in Norwegian with no subtitles, but we get the picture anyway. The translated video description said it was a "long and arduous" rescue, so once the exhausted moose was finally out of the water, I would bet that Viktor and Sigrid realized how exhausted they were, too. (via Boing Boing)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Designer Plunger

Kellyanne Conway's Interview Tricks

The face of the current administration on TV  news is Kellyanne Conway, who is a master at not answering interview questions. Here is a breakdown on her tactics. Not that you need to learn from her, because this is a unique talent that leads to total non-communication. Yes, there may be a demand for such talents, but you'd never be able to look yourself in the mirror if your entire purpose is to defend, deflect, and obfuscate. 

Miss Cellania's Links

5 Sleep-Deprived Disasters. Bad things happen when you don't get enough shut-eye.

22 Small Ways People Say "I Love You." It's all in knowing what makes that person happy.

When Heart Transplant Patients Were Celebrities. Part of Atlas Obscura's Hearts Week.

A US-born NASA scientist was detained at the border until he unlocked his phone. NASA is not happy about that. (via Fark)

“And why doesn’t Batman dance anymore?” The importance of the Dark Knight’s lighter side.

The people who lived in the French region of Landes once got around the marshy land on stilts, looking after their sheep. Their tradition of stilt walking lives on in illustrations and photographs.

Oroville's Evacuation Exposes Some Glaring U.S. Infrastructure Issues. We have thousands of dams just as old and decrepit as the Lake Oroville dam.

The Lesser-Known History of African-American Cowboys. They made up 25% of the Old West profession, but not in our history books or pop culture. 

9 Megalomaniacal Facts About Narcissism.

When my father went on strike with other air-traffic controllers, in 1981, he escaped legal prosecution but suffered in other ways. (via Digg)

Tweet of the Day

Nice to have a Tweet of the Day that's both political AND funny. (via Buzzfeed)

Monday, February 13, 2017

Valentine Poem

(via reddit)

Cold Comforts: 10 Hotels Made of Ice and Snow

Do you love winter weather enough to stay in a hotel room made of ice and snow, where the temperature stays around -4°C (25°F)? Some winter resorts give you the chance to do just that. You won't freeze to death. While the beds in such hotels are usually made of a slab of ice, hoteliers want their guests to be comfortable, so they're equipped with insulated mattresses, animals skins, and arctic sleeping bags. In these cold weather resort areas, you can be assured it's a lot colder outside. You'd better get your reservations in now, because most hotels built of ice won't survive the longer sunny days of spring. Read about ten such hotels in a list I compiled for mental_floss.

Star Trek is Just a Space Fantasy

Trump vs. Truth

Jon Oliver is back from a long holiday break, and came back armed to the teeth on his show Last Week Tonight to point out Trump's words and what they may or may not mean. If you spent Sunday night watching the Grammys or The Walking Dead, you can catch up now. Contains NSFW language.    

Miss Cellania's Links

Sandra Day O'Connor: A Case for Justice. How she made history in the all-boys' club. 

Where Nature is Most Likely to Kill You. (via the Presurfer)

Farmers That Backed Trump Now Fear Losing Their Workers. They were just picking and choosing which campaign promises to believe.

Kiiking: The Estonian Sport of Competitive Swinging.

The 5 Most Satisfying 'Told You So' Moments Of All Time.

The winners of the 2017 Grammy Awards. And in case you're wondering, here's what they wore.

Why Did Medieval Artists Give Elephants Trunks That Look Like Trumpets? Was it just because they looked cool that way?

How Scientists Collected a Piece of the Sun. Brought here by the spacecraft Genesis, it's now stored in Houston.

Why You Should Never Kiss a Toad. He won't turn into a prince, and you might be poisoned.

Rio's Olympic venues, six months later. It didn't take long for them to fall into ruin.

The Gift

Seven Strange and Wonderful Dishes

I have an ongoing project to make posts for mental_floss articles I wrote way back when that I do not have an archive for. Here's another one. 

Nothing succeeds like excess! People love to tinker with food. If you like two kinds of food, why not put them together? Just because they don't normally appear at all similar is no reason to shy away from combining them! Or you find one taste that you love, you can go completely overboard with it. And you can take something normal and traditional and stand it on its head to suit your own tastes. See some of the weirdest food mashups in an article I wrote for mental_floss in 2008.