Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Snowboarding with Drone

Casey Neistat has recently dressed up as Santa Claus and let a drone pull him through the snow on a snowboard. And then even up into the air! His astounding Christmas greeting has an alien abduction vibe in there, too. The video is essentially an ad, but you don't even know that until the very end. You can see some behind-the-scenes video to get some clues about how they pulled it off. (via reddit)


Unknown said...

So they built, in effect, an R/C multi-rotor helicopter.  Whoopie.

Yes, it's technically a drone, but remember that we've also had obsolete aircraft — also known as 'drones' — that are refurbed and filled with remote control gear so they can be used as in-flight targets for years ... so what these guys did is really nothing new or groundbreaking.


Miss Cellania said...

I had assumed it was mostly special effects, and not really what it seems.

Unknown said...

I realize that there could be some video trickery going on here, but based on what I'm seeing in both videos it looks legit to me.  I mean, I didn't see any evidence of a *real* helicopter out of the shot pulling him around or lifting him into the air, not to mention that one would certainly have *HEARD* it.
