Sixties Seventies. This Italian photo site documents the fashions of the 1960s and ’70s -miniskirts, bellbottoms, platform shoes, hot pants, go-go boots, and that hair!
Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness. What conditions will be included or excluded from the new edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will have far-reaching consequences for untold numbers of people. (via Metafilter)
The Happy Marriage Is the ‘Me’ Marriage. Oh sure, there’s lots of giving involved, but that’s simpler when you receive as well. (via 3 Quarks Daily)
WojtekNYC gathered friends from the International House to compile New Year greetings in 43 languages. That’s a winning way to start out 2011!
What Makes a Whiskey Bourbon? (And Other Bourbon FAQs). Ethan Trex knows, because he likes Bourbon a lot.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is now in the public domain. A publisher is releasing a version with the n-word removed, hoping schools will go back to using the book, but the idea has provoked anger over messing with a classic. (via Neatorama)
French astrophotographer Thierry Legault went all the way to Oman to take a picture of a solar eclipse. The shot he wanted was only available for a split second, and he got it!
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