Enjoy a short story by Croatian author and illustrator Darko Macan about a bookseller who has every book in the world ...except one. Despite a site warning, this particular page is SFW. (via Metafilter)
Watch a short tutorial on English spelling. It's a wonder we ever learn to do it at all! (via Boing Boing)
Tumbleweed Vortex. So weird to see, but folks are driving by like this is normal.
5 Real World Criminals Who Were Certified Super-Villains.
Extended Post-It Notepaper Experiment. How come my Post-It Note pads don't come nicely accordion-pleated?
How to Cook an Alien. Hey, it's either them or us! (via Dark Roasted Blend)
Google Mobile. A group of unsuspecting young men get more than what they bargained for. Another bizarre look at Google from The Vacationeers.
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