Saturday, June 15, 2024

Henry Worsley's Antarctic Quest

Henry Worsley, inspired by his ancestor Frank Worsley, captain of Ernest Shackleton's ship Endurance, went to Antarctica to hike across the continent. Worsley first recreated Shackleton's Nimrod Expedition, then Roald Amundsen's hike to the South Pole. In 2015, his goal was to hike across Antarctica solo, without any vehicle and with no airdropped supplies. But before we get to this difficult expedition, Weird History gives us the short version of the entire history of Antarctic exploration. About half way through, we get into Henry Worsley and his solo hike. It did not turn out well.

This solo feat only became plausible once the road from McMurdo to the South Pole was completed in 2007. Since Worsley's attempt, both Colin O'Brady and Louis Rudd successfully completed the same route using skis in 2018.

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