Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Preserved Fruit From the 18th Century Found at George Washington’s Estate. I don't think anyone has tasted it yet.    

Ford Sells A Jet Fuel-Powered Ranger Truck With A Secret ‘Stealth Mode.’

The Dozen Times Humans Have Tried to Communicate With Extraterrestrials.

An Ode to Luby's and the Southern Cafeteria. My family went to the local cafeteria often, but only on the Sunday after Dad's payday. (via Metafilter)

3-Legged Lion Sets Swimming Record in Crocodile-Filled River.

You Can Measure a Lion's Heart Rate with an Apple Watch around Its Tongue. But not while he's swimming.

There is no skipping leg day in this Ukrainian dance troupe. It hurts my thighs to watch. (via Everlasting Blort)

Why Are So Many Horror Movies Set at Summer Camp?

How postwar Warsaw was rebuilt using 18th century paintings. (via Messy Nessy Chic)


Anonymous said...

I sent that Lubys link to a girl now in WA but TX in her youth, and she loved it.
Those Ukrainian dancers are unreal. I’ve seen others dance like that in movies and TV but not that fast or that long. I assume they’re pro dancers and not hobbyists getting together one night a week to abuse themselves.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to click the links but the descriptions of the lion links pure entertainment ... "But not while he is swimming" ... :-)