Tuesday, June 18, 2024

If Restaurants Hired Food Bloggers

If you've ever looked up a recipe on the internet, and we know you have or you wouldn't be here, you know that food bloggers have a tendency to tell a long story about a dish before telling us how to make it. It's not just a tradition in a thoroughly modern profession; there are concrete reasons for the long-winded introductions. However, these long recipe intros have become a meme that even food bloggers themselves laugh about. Ryan George personifies the clash between the online recipe world and the chaotic art of running a restaurant by sending a food blogger to work the back end. His first day on the job goes as well as you might expect. Too bad the head chef doesn't seem to know about the "jump to recipe" button. This guy probably has it on him somewhere. My guess is that it is under his hat.

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