Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Summit

It's been years since we've seen a new animation from Birdbox Studio, and this one is a delight. A mountain climber puts all his effort into reaching the summit, but when he gets there, it's already occupied. By a sheep. Now, sheep can be dumb or stubborn or both, but you'll have to watch the rest of this cartoon to know which one it really is. Oh yeah, you can say the same thing about the mountain climber. The mountain climber is determined to stand on the summit himself (and no doubt get a picture for social media). The story seems like it is some kind of analogy for setting goals in life or something, but the real point is to make us laugh. (via the Awesomer)


Andy said...

Man, I hate that bit when you think you're nearly at the top, then you round a corner and see a much higher bit further on.

Anonymous said...

It also illustrates that sometimes it's smarter to change your goals. Goal changing is not giving up in defeat, it's adjusting to reality.