Wednesday, June 19, 2024


When Dr. Dolittle was staying with me and working locally this spring, we watched the entire series of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and it set me up to enjoy the classic elements of hockey. This comic is from Kasper at Hoppy Doodle.


JoeK said...

Wouldn't Earth Hockey just be golf?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, love it! GO OILERS IN ICE HOCKEY!

Marco McClean said...

Also horse hockey. That used to be a word for nonsense. It's still a pretty good word. Like an angry swear word that I read somewhere a few weeks ago but can't find now, where someone hits his hand with a hammer or is otherwise hurt or frustrated to the point of barking, "Neil deGrasse /TYSON!/"

Miss Cellania said...

Not golf, you'd need an opponent playing defense, so it would be field hockey.

I supposed horse hockey would be polo. But we really know what hockey stands for in that idiom.