Monday, October 10, 2016

Miss Cellania's Links

Will Shortz, Puzzlemaster. The New York Times crossword editor tells us about his life.

Vote in the Nikon Small World competition! You can vote once per day for the people’s choice award through October 25th.

14 Facts About Monty Python's Flying Circus.

What Halloween Was Like the Year You Were Born, before the rise of trick-or-treating as we know it. Check out the a century of Halloween at Flipboard. (via Everlasting Blort)

How to Keep Triplets from Fighting in the Car. (via Buzzfeed)

The Scariest Movie Monsters. With video evidence, if you really want to watch them.

Find the Most Hipster Neighborhood In Every State, In Case You Were Wondering. You probably haven’t heard of them.

The pioneering paranoia of America's preppers. They’re ready for disaster, or even an apocalypse.

9 Halloween Pumpkin Projects. Just in case you want to do something besides a traditional jack-o-lantern.

The debate last night was a perfect example of the glass ceiling vs. the lowest common denominator:
Trump did not drool, throw a chair, or grope Hillary: better than expected.
Clinton looked, acted presidential: exactly as expected.
Therefore, Trump won the debate.

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