Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Weird Al" Yankovic and the Songs He Parodied

"Weird Al" Yankovic has been writing and performing parody songs since he was in high school, and was once a regular on the syndicated radio show Dr. Demento. His first single was "My Bologna," a parody of "My Sharona" in 1979. Since then, he's been stealing the thunder of pop artists by making their songs into comedy, but they all love it. In those 45 years, he's had a string of songs that you can't help but think of every time you hear the hit song it was made from. And your kids think you are just being silly in singing the wrong lyrics. (via Laughing Squid)


Anonymous said...

I read once he claimed he wouldn't parody a song without permission from the original artist. I wonder how many said no?

Miss Cellania said...

There have been a few.

Anonymous said...

Ah, thank you. I guess they were afraid he was making fun of them. I can understand why the no on Black or White. Miss C knows all!