Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Potato Salad


WilliamRocket said...

After doing his time, Spud was finally free.

Anonymous said...

I think they are referring to the eggs used in the mayonnaise.

Bicycle Bill said...

They forgot to mention that it's also gluten-free.


WilliamRocket said...

Wait !

If no one going to talk about the weight list ?

I know I am fully immersed in metric these last 38 years, but I was taught elle bees back in school and for the life of me I can't figure out what 2/5.984375 elle bees is supposed to be.

I thought maybe it is from Tommy Tutone's song about Jenny's phone number.

But maybe it is a secret service agent code for 'Check the roof'.

If you ear what I'm saying.

Bicycle Bill said...

Well, there's your problem, Master Rocket... you only learned 'elle bees'.  You should have also studied 'oh zees'.  But it's never too late to learn, so please have a seat while I go through it with you.

If you check the detailed portion of the content list, you see it contains 2 (two) 5-pound containers of 'cage-free potato salad base', and 2 (two) 9-ounce bags of 'hard-cooked eggs cage-free' – but only ONE (1) 13.5 ounce bag of 'produce kit potato salad'.   BUT - if you part that out into two equal halves, each half would weigh 6.75 ounces.  

Now from here on it's as clear as mud.  Add the 5 elle bees of the 'salad base' — which you'd know is also 80 oh zees, if you'd spent your time learning the SAE or Standard American ENGLISH measuring system instead of focusing on all that bloody French metre and kilo-things and centi-bits and what have you stuff... oh, and I've done the maths for you and you can trust me on this one — to the 9 oh zees of the 'hard cooked eggs' and the 6.75 oh zees of the 'produce kit' and you get...
(oh, let's not always see the same hands... you, the little boy in the back corner... )
yes, 95.75 oh zees – that's correct. And if you divide that by sixteen (the number of oh zees in one elle bee, just so you'll know for future reference), it comes to — ta-dah!! — 5.984375 elle bees.

The numeral '2' ahead of the oblique stroke or solidus merely indicates that the cardboard shipping container contains sufficient amounts of the three ingredients to make 2 complete cage-free potato salads after all components have been combined, with each of the pair having a mass or weight of 5.984375 elle bees.

Now, if you put away your maths books, we'll next address some of the oddities found in the spelling and pronunciation of the English language on either side of the pond.

(remove tongue from cheek)
