Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Meet the chefs behind the world's biggest restaurant. They'll serve more than 13 million meals during the Paris Olympics.

Toronto’s Talking Cop Car Is An Absolute Abomination Of Automotive Anthropomorphization.

Bananas Don’t Taste Like They Used To. Here’s Why.  (via Metafilter)

Potato Power! How the potato changed the course of world history…twice. (via Strange Company)

Laws About Cats in Medieval Wales. They get really really specific. (Thanks, Brother Bill!)

5 Computer Tasks That Failed Because Computers Didn’t Exist Yet.

Fiction About the Art World Is Trending. Here Are 8 New Novels to Read This Summer.

Brother Bill posted a picture at reddit of him and me at my first radio station. It got 5K upvotes! And it's been removed.

The Kamala Harris coconut tree meme, explained as best we can. (via Fark)


Bruce said...

They took the picture down. :(

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Medieval Welsh cat laws? Purrrrrr-fect!

Brother Bill said...

It was removed for breaking "Rule 5" ... adding context in the title. LOL

Anonymous said...

I like Toronto’s talking Cop Car because they’ve rendered it unable to harass me.

Laws be damned, Wales has a Dragon as a national symbol, it’s even on their flag, because it’s the only beast that can make a cat behave.

Thanks for the ITAP solution BR. I‘m not sure what using a strobe off the ceiling added over another light source, but great picture.

Kirsten Stewart is a walmart knock off of Miss C.

gwdMaine said...


chich said...


Marco McClean said...

Miss C., can you post the picture on your site? And tell a little about your radio career, and post an early aircheck or two. I'd like to see that.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about it, potato is still king. Baked, mashed, in soup, in souffles, puffs, chips, and FRIES!