Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Big Stores Have a Little Checkout Problem

Things were bad enough when they decided we could do our own checking out; now stores want us to pay for that privilege. But it's already been done in some places, like Costco. Costco will tell you that a membership only means they don't have to worry about shoplifters, but their ginormous stores and products will do that already (I've never been to a Costco). So what kind of shopping experience do we really want? I like self-checkout at Walmart because the machines are plentiful and intuitive: scan items, put your card in. Kroger, on the other hand, has machines that want you to read the screen and wait for them to calculate things in a particular order. Aldi, on the other hand, has happy employees who get to sit down as they check you out. I only use Amazon for things I cannot get any other way, and I don't shop at any of the other stores in this video. Lately, I shop at Lowe's every day, but that's a whole 'nother story.

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