Thursday, July 18, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

ASL Interpreters Stealing the Show at Concerts.

A Giant Polka-Dotted Pumpkin Takes Root in London’s Kensington Gardens.

Remembering the World’s First ‘Cold-Storage Banquet.’ At the turn of the 20th century, the concept of a refrigerated feast was terrifying.  

Trae Crowder knows J.D Vance, and tells us about him in colorful, explicit terms. I, as a hillbilly, couldn't have said it better, because I am trying to watch my language.

You'll Be Shocked By How Much Sugar People Consume Every Single Day In Your State Even if it is less than other states, it's still too much.

Home Depot is already unveiling its new giant Halloween decor.

10 Great Olympics Movies. Watch a few to get inspired for the 2024 Paris games.

Peru: New images show uncontacted tribe dangerously close to logging concessions. (via Boing Boing)

A Blast from the Past (2016): 17 Species Named After Star Wars Characters.


Anonymous said...

ALS interpreters are heavy duty.

19.5 ft high, 18 ft diameter, bronze, must be heavy. I wonder if it’s 1 piece?

How do you trust a menu that starts with a dry martini when you know damn well it’s wet.

Happy to see Robert May’s cookbook online for free. The upside of the internet.

Halloween is socially acceptable because it’s international unlike the 4th of July, and not associated with a religion like Christmas and Easter... oh wait...nevermind.

WilliamRocket said...

We don't have hillbillies around our parts, so which one are you ... Ellie may, Grandma, or Miss Hathaway ?

Miss Cellania said...

Definitely Granny. Miss Hathaway was from Los Angeles.

WilliamRocket said...

Wow. Trae is about as hard to understand as a Glaswegian after 8 pints.

But I think I got the gist of it.

Seems the US political show is going to keep on entertaining us foreigners, out here in foreign lands, for at least the next 4 years.

That's assuming the Three Stooges and their antics are considered entertaining ... was never my cup of tea, me preferring wit over slapstick (Bruce and Cybil in Moonlighting were great, for instance) .... but Don and J.D. will need one more to make up the trio, I suggest that woman with the curly hair, brown skin and silver eye shadow that fronts for Biden's side ... yeah, reading her physiognomy has you loading your gun to shoot the TV, but yeah, wouldn't she just be the cream for that act.

You may all (slips into what he thinks is hillbilly) ... y'all may think 'what the helling heck has it got to do with him, he IS a foreigner ?', but you'd'll be aforgetting that the USA (USA ! USA !) is like the world's self elected police force and everything the USA does affects us here in the 'outside' lands ... so, yeah, I have a right to say.

Reckon we here in the rest of the English speaking world (ha ! Trae !) those of us in countries that also enjoy aircon, big refrigerators, 2 car families, black and white TV ... joking, we have very high definition TVs ... super quick internet ... and about 67 flavours of ice cream in the supermarket freezers, should also be allowed to vote for who is the big boss, the person who decides if we invade North Korea or not (for example) ... after all, the recent tensions with China and Taiwan have not only your military involved, but also ours.

Moonlighting may not be as good as I think, it was a long time ago and I'd just bought a house and had a mortgage for the first time, I had two lovely kids, their mother a dark haired beauty with sharp intelligence and a loving nature ... and then the interest rates went up to 21% (insert FFS here).
I was working hard already, but then started mowing people's lawns on the weekend as well and making deck chairs and coffee tables with any other spare time. It was the best of times and the worst of times, and Moonlighting and its quick wit took the edge of some.

Anonymous said...

Hey Willim, I think you gotta real dandy idea 'bout da rest da world getting to vote on the head of the world's PoPo. Sitting here at my new still, deep in da hills of Basque country, I'ma thinking, boy howdy, That's one fine idea.