Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Today is the 100th Anniversary of the "Crime of the Century."

The Supermarket Scanner Changed the Way We Buy Groceries Forever. Invented 50 years ago, the curious box deciphered an arcane kind of code to offer shoppers a trip into the future

The Cars Of The Breakfast Club Tell The Whole Movie In The First Four Minutes. They meant something in 1985.

The scam of corrective glasses for color blindness.

Cats playing with robots proves a winning combo in novel art installation.

Does This Photo Capture the Iceberg That Sunk the Titanic? But even more interesting is the mission of the ship it was taken from. (via Strange Company)

The true story behind the kid who went 1940s viral for his week at the cinemas in San Francisco. (via Nag on the Lake)

10 Compelling Subplots Cut From Movies.

50 Destructive Cats That Weren’t Fast Enough To Escape The Scene Of The Crime.


WilliamRocket said...

Aw, Clover in the robots video is the exact duplicate of my Lucy Babushka.

Must be from that cat copying machine I saw a while ago.

LoisT said...

Corrective lenses for colorblindness are not a scam. The expose video is the scam - see my extended comment on TYWIKIWDBI. Colorblindness runs in my family and my brother, who is an MD owns Enchroma lenses. I was with him when he first tried them on and he did have lots of “ooos” and suddenly saw things he never noticed before. He finds them helpful professionally. (I didn't mention it there, but he also finds them helpful as a photographer when he edits photos.)

Anonymous said...

Lois T, You mentioned your brothers partial(red/green) color blindness and how they help him in his medical career.
The scam is in the advertising. It's not directed at the people it can help with a vision problem, the marketing is straight at the general public promising a whole new colorful world view like it's a step up from mushrooms and acid.