Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Corn Surgery

Modern surgeons can do amazing things to repair a body, but they still have a couple of drawbacks. First, there aren't enough of them, and the skilled surgeons we have aren't distributed equally around the world. Second, they still have human-sized hands and fingers. Very tiny, precise surgical repairs are the province of specialized microsurgeons. And now, robots.

Sony introduces their new Microsurgery Assistance Robot. It can be controlled by a trained microsurgeon from a distance, but since it has a microscope for viewing and scaled-up controls, it can be used by surgeons who are not specialists in microsurgery. In this demonstration video, the robot uses various instruments to cut and then stitch up that cut on a single kernel of corn. We hope the ear is recovering nicely. (via Laughing Squid)


Anonymous said...

Please wait while Windows updates Edge and restarts your remote surgical device.

Lilylou said...

What are "gingers"? Oh yeah, a typo!

Miss Cellania said...

Gingers, heh. Thanks for catching that; fixed now.