Tuesday, May 28, 2024

1990 Flashback

Saturday Night Live always tried to be topical in their opening skits. In this one that aired on February 17, 1990, Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks portray Donald and Ivana Trump during their notorious divorce. Hartman died in 1998 and Hooks died in 2014. Ivana died in 2022. Thirty-four years later, The Donald is still with us. (via Digg)


Bicycle Bill said...

"... Hartman died in 1998 and Hooks died in 2014. Ivana died in 2022. Thirty-four years later, The Donald is still with us."

Which goes to prove that there is no fairness in the world.


Anonymous said...

Hartman was a treasure, a huge loss to comedy because he was a chameleon. He could believably play any character.