Tuesday, January 09, 2024


When you've been writing for hours straight, it's possible to get tripped up by one word. It's happened to me many times. Sometimes it's the spelling and sometimes it's the exact meaning, but typing it into Google gets me on the right track. Then there's also the feeling you get when you realize that you've been using a word wrong your entire life. It's a mixture of embarrassment for the past and relief that you are straight with it now. After all, if you can't trust Google, who can you trust? In this short film that BasicallyBray made for a film class, you get both of those feelings turned up to the max. But the real comedy is in the comments. 

Yes, I believe you might encounter the word zimplogulon again sometime. It might be hard to remember exactly how to use it, but you can also refer back to this video.


Anonymous said...

Another problem is the meaning of words change over time. The general public changes the use of a word like "gay" and the dictionary will accept it as the proper definition after a short lag. The internet/social media has accelerated the number of words changed and if you're out of the loop fuhgetaboutit.

WilliamRocket said...

Zozozo Bruce has an anonymous account too ?

Xo jealous !