Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Big Explosion

This episode of Dragnet was first aired in January of 1967. It involves the burglary of a whole lot of dynamite. Joe and Bill find it, then just hang around in the house waiting for the bomb squad and hang around while they do their work. There seems to be a strange reluctance to arrest anyone, too.


Anonymous said...

Most important to account for all the dynamite, they had the perp in custody.

WilliamRocket said...

Ever tried standing that close to people when you are talking to them ?

Not to invoke any horror tales of the covid '2 metre' distance palaver, however, my personal space is at least a metre away, an arm's length plus a little bit more.

That may have come from days of old with swords and such, but any closer and I tend to move away ... lol, and when I can't move away I have often softly berated people that stand far too close behind me in a supermarket queue.