Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Cat and Rooster's Day Out

The cat says, "Come on, Rooster! It's Christmas, let's go on an adventure!" And the two friends go exploring, with the cat leading the way. As far as I can tell, their names are Kitten and Rooster, but that's probably just their online names. One Mefite said their names should be Hunt and Peck. At one point, the cat licks the rooster, but is not tempted to take a bite.

This video is obviously unscripted, but the critters are a part of a unique family full of different animals that all get along like the lion laying down with the lamb. You can see their adventure at Cat's Dairy at YouTube. You'll see cats, chickens, ducks, cows, dogs, and people. (via Metafilter)


Anonymous said...

No sex jokes? :(

Miss Cellania said...

They just come automatically to those so inclined.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your video talent! I don't have a cellphone. My friend came by & shared your cat & rooster video with me. Admirably, from Nancy O., 96 yr old grandmother.