Saturday, January 20, 2024

America's Iconic Bald Eagle

When he was growing up in England, Laurence Brown thought the American bald eagle was a fictional animal, because it was so American. He later found out how wrong he was, but knowing about bald eagles is pretty neat, so let's learn something from a sardonic immigrant who's trying to retrieve all the memos lost in the pond.


Bicycle Bill said...

I'm fortunate enough to live in Wisconsin near the Mississippi River within what is called the Upper Mississippi Wildlife Refuge.  There are several dozen nesting pairs in this area, some of which winter here as well (it's rare that the river freezes over completely, especially in the areas of the locks and dams that make the river navigable), so I have the opportunity to see them pretty much any time I want.  And they ARE impressive!!


RockyD said...

We see a lot of them here in Northern Maine too. One summer we had 4 dominating the neighborhood, 2 being immatures but still huge. When they'd fly by in a group it got to feeling a bit prehistoric. Amazing (& a wee bit scary) birds.