Thursday, February 02, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Why We Celebrate Groundhog Day.

The Stink A. Glitchy macrons do the Māori language a disservice, as their real purpose is so very useful. (via Metafilter

New Batman and Robin Movie, Green Lantern TV Show, and More Announced for Revamped DCU

An Honest Trailer for M3GAN

A Brief Compendium of Preserved Pieces of Cake

Science Finds How Video Games Can Be Good for Us.

This Hilarious Twitter Thread Has Cats Asking If They’re Being Unreasonable. Duh, cats don't do that.

The website Wonders of Street View is a collection of the best images in Google Street View, whether they are funny, surprising, odd, beautiful,  or superlative. (via Metafilter

Celebrate Valentines Day with a Halloween Touch.


Anonymous said...

The best groundhog day joke ever, ripped straight fresh from the internet for your amusement:

A Texas Aggie, a Baylor Bear and a University of Texas Longhorn happen to be on the same plane which goes down killing everyone aboard.

When they get to the pearly gates, St. Peter meets them with a question they must answer correctly in order to gain entrance to Paradise.

“What is the meaning of Easter?” St. Pete asks them

The University of Texas student raises his hand. “I know this one. I used to attend church with my folks back home before I came to The University.”

“Go ahead,” St. Peter said.

“Easter is when the pilgrims came to the New World. They learned how to raise crops and celebrated the harvest season with the Indians,” the UT kid said.

“I’ll get back to you,” St. Peter said to him. “Stand over there.”

“Choose me,” the Baylor Bear said.

“You have the floor. Tell me the meaning of Easter.”

“I know this,” the boy said. “I grew up in the First Baptist Church.”

“You should know the answer, for sure,” St. Pete said.

“Okay. Easter is when the wise men came and brought presents for the baby Jesus. It is when Christians celebrate his birth by exchanging gifts with their family and friends.”

“I’ll get back to you,” St. Peter said. “Stand over there with the kid from UT.”

Finally, the Texas A&M Aggie spoke.

“I know the answer,” he said.

“Okay. Let’s have it,” St. Pete said.

“Easter is when Jesus rose from the dead. He was crucified on Good Friday, placed in a borrowed tomb and was resurrected on the third day, which was Easter morning,” the Aggie said.

St. Peter looked at the Aggie, amazed that he knew the answer. Just before he motioned him through the entrance to heaven, he heard the Aggie add one more thing.

“And if he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter….”

Bicycle Bill said...

Your icon today, Miss C., is actually the illustration for 'SNĀK'.   It's a specialty pet reptile one can purchase from IKEA.
