Thursday, February 09, 2023

Dog Raised by Coyotes

For the better part of a year, people living near Henderson, Nevada, have occasionally spotted a white dog running with coyotes. He earned the name Ghost for his white coat and his tendency to disappear -just like a coyote. That is, until last Saturday, when he was lured into a crate. Ghost's coyote days are over.

Ghost is a rather young dog, so authorities believe he was dumped in the desert as a puppy, and the coyotes adopted him. He is receiving veterinary care and socialization, because he doesn't know how to dog. But he was friendly and affectionate to people as soon as he was exposed to the kindness of strangers. Eventually, Ghost will be offered for adoption Coyotes need not apply. (via Boing Boing)


xoxoxoBruce said...

What makes them think he's better off with people than his adopted family?

Miss Cellania said...

To start off, the scars, the infections, and the fleas. And I suppose some people don't want another coyote out there killing their chickens and cats.