Friday, June 10, 2022

A Modern Trailer for Aliens

Above is the original trailer for the 1986 movie Aliens, the action-movie sequel to the horror classic Alien, has no narration and very little dialogue. It was all action scenes that gave away almost no plot. Michael Edwards made a new one 36 years later with a modern aesthetic. The real difference here is that his trailer explains the main premise of the movie. There's still no narration, but bits of dialogue are artfully strung together to tell just enough of the story to make us want to see the rest. Oh, there's some action, but also suspense and exposition, carefully balanced in a well-edited barrage of clips, with just a touch of the xenomorph. And unlike real trailers of the 21st century, this doesn't give away everything in the movie.

(via Laughing Squid)

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