Sunday, April 10, 2022


(Thanks, WTM!)


Bicycle Bill said...

Reminds me of the old joke about the tenderfoot asking an old hunting guide what to do if a bear attacks, and if it was better to run or to try to play dead.  The old woodsman told him that neither of those were any good, and the best thing he could do would be to reach into his underwear, grab a handful of excrement, and throw it in the bear's face.

The greenhorn asked, "But what if there isn't any poop in my underpants?"

The old-timer said, "Don't worry 'bout it.  There will be."


xoxoxoBruce said...

Grizzly or Brown play dead. Black, run or fight because he won't bother to kill you, he'll just start eating. Polar, fugetaboutit.
100% sure I've never daydreamed about confronting bears, just bares.

newton said...

Reminds me of this one: